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Last week, while everyone was celebrating their children’s first day back to school, I was experiencing my first day back to the corporate world after exactly one year of absence. When I resigned from my previous job, I never imagined it would be a year before I would return to the office life. Trust me, it wasn’t for lack of trying either – we’re talking countless job interviews and bizarrely long waiting periods where you’re stuck in limbo, not sure whether they’re interested or not. 

However, on Sunday, the 10th of September, as I drove to my first day back to work, I felt anxious. I woke up, and got dressed to go to work giving my children big hugs, knowing that I won’t be the one to pick up my son from nursery that day, or the one to put them down for their nap, or the one to walk in to their room when they woke up. It was bittersweet. 

I realized that everything really does happen for a reason. After two back to back pregnancies, and my babies in tow, I needed that year off to dedicate to them. I also needed that year to focus on myself, to rebuild myself, to recuperate and to find myself again. It was important that I commit to getting healthier and stronger. And I did. I was there to see my son through nursery and help his transition. I was there when my daughter took her first steps and said her first words. I was able to utilize the time when my son was at nursery to work out, read, catch-up on all sorts of TV series and movies and to write. Most importantly though, I was finally able to create and launch Lady Spatula, a project that was neglected and put aside for a long time.

It feels good to be back at work, but it wasn’t easy that day, and it still isn’t easy two weeks later. Tomorrow is the Islamic New Year, a public holiday over here, gifting us with a three-day weekend. One of the things I am really looking forward to this weekend is spending time with my family. Since I’ve started my new job, the hours have been kind of crazy. My office is a 40-45 minute commute, with traffic, from where I live, so every morning, I leave at an unreasonable hour to get to work on time. So early, that most days, I don’t even get to see my kids or husband because they’d still be asleep. When I get back home, it would be close to my kids’ bedtime, and we can imagine what that’s like! Adding to that, the fact that I would be so exhausted that I sometimes find myself dozing off on the couch. Soon after the children go to bed, my husband and I retire as well. So not only have I been struggling with spending time with my children, but I haven’t been spending time with my husband either. 

The thing is, I know it will get easier, and that once I adjust and find my groove, things will run more smoothly. This holiday, though, definitely came at the right time to help ease me into this new routine. I can’t wait to sleep in and wake up to my children running into the room to wake us up. I’m tired of quietly tip-toeing in my heels out of the house!